A heart-warming tale of adventure & intrigue written by prof. actor/writers Burke & Hagan. A blend of Martial Arts & American Values - script for sale.  Painting of Mushin by Kosi Gramatikoff, Costa Mesa kendo Dojo, California    Home


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The four basic principles of Aikido: Hara-Mushin-Shizen-Kiai

A foster home, born of the love that was Sam and Joanna Ryan, is affectionately referred to by those of us who live there, as... Ryan's Den.

Sam Ryan is the star centerfielder for the San Francisco Giants baseball team. At 36, his days of athletic glory are mostly behind him, and he is searching for new directions and new meaning in life.

Frustrated by an inability to conceive, Sam and Joanna have accepted the responsibility for a foster child, Lukka, an American Indian boy. Having an abundance of love and material wealth to share, they accept a second foster child, a Japanese boy, Jujiro (Judo as he likes to be called in America.)

The couple's good intentions are thwarted by a clash of two very different cultures. It becomes Sam's and Joanna's task to resolve these differences.

Suddenly Joanna is killed in a tragic automobile accident which triggers a suspenseful plot in which the ugliness and bigotry of the arch villain, Max Barch, are visited upon Ryan's Den, and especially upon the unfortunate Booker T. Jones, Sam's black ranch foreman.

Sam, reeling from the shock of losing his beloved wife, finds no solace anywhere. As he struggles to ward off the merciless onslaught of Barch and his cronies, his own baseball team pulls the rug out from under him by offering to trade him to the Tokyo Giants baseball team. In an attempt to keep his family together, he travels to Japan to meet with the Tokyo Giants. He decides to take Judo with him, so that the boy can visit his only living relative, an old uncle who owns an antique shop in Nara, the ancient capital of Japan.

The prophetic intervention in Sam's life of this frail old Japanese man, Tsumada Munenori, is tantamount to rebirth. With the aid of a miraculous apparition, Mr. Tsumada shows Sam his own true warrior nature. Through the medium of Aikido, as taught by Mr. Tsumada, Sam learns the Way of Life through Harmony with Nature.

Through Aikido, Sam learns to center himself and to harness the infinite power of nature. With the aid of this power, which the Japanese call ki, he returns home to California and resolves the conflict at Ryan's Den with a unique and exciting strategy. Under Sam's loving guidance, the Japanese boy and the American Indian boy realize their essential unity of spirit as "members on the same team", united against a common foe.

The story of Ryan's Den is a heartwarming tale of family adventure and intrigue. It is an unusual blend of engaging elements which include American baseball and a waterfront horse ranch in the Sacramento River delta in northern California; fast boats and vicious doberman guard dogs; an indomitable stallion and a mountain lion named Lisa; and a healthy dose of Japanese culture and wisdom as well. This great wisdom of the east is distilled in a uniquely western form using the principles of Japanese Aikido, the 'Art of Peace' - a creative mind-body discipline and a practical means of handling aggression through which all mankind can become a warrior for peace.

The goal of this extraordinary saga is to show how two completely diverse cultures can actually integrate as one, by recognizing that the dignity of all men, regardless of race or creed, is ultimately realized in their code of honor. This message has never been more important than it is now in the 21st Century.

The full screenplay can be requested via email by legitimate parties interested in producing the project for film or television. We are also in obtaining representation with an accredited literary agent who can help bring this script to production.